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Osgood-Schlatter: Knee Pain in Adolescents

- Physiotherapy

Osgood-Schlatter disease is a condition resulting as a result of repetitive strain on the growth plate of the tibial tuberosity, where the tendon from the knee cap inserts onto your shin bone. Read on to learn more.

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8 nutrition tips to gain muscle AND lose fat

- Nutrition

Clinical Nutritionist, Bec Stone, answers gives her top 8 tips to gain muscle and lose body fat

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Tennis Elbow or lateral elbow pain

- Physiotherapy

“I have been doing a lot of house renovations recently and have started to experience pain on the outside of my elbow with opening jars and carrying the shopping. It gets better with the more I move, but gets worse once in have stopped moving. My GP says that I have Tennis Elbow, how can I have this when I don’t play tennis?”

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What is the best way to program a workout?

- Fitness

When creating an exercise program, you always have to consider what you are trying to achieve. This may be something sport specific, weight loss or a certain goal you want to achieve, such as mastering a chin up. Having an idea of your goal will determine how to order your program. Read on for Andrew Mangani’s programming tips.

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Plantar Fasciitis: Pain under the foot

- Physiotherapy

“I have been experiencing pain in my heel when I first wake up in the morning. The pain lasts for the first few steps in the morning and by the time I make it to the kitchen it’s gone. I also noticed that when I start moving after a period of prolonged sitting the pain comes back. What is happening, and why does my heel hurt after not doing anything?”

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