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Understanding Tendinopathy

- Physiotherapy

Tendinopathy refers to a broad term surrounding painful conditions in/around tendons in response to overuse. It is characterised by micro-tears, collagen disarray, and a range of cellular changes in the tendon.

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Blood Flow Restriction Training in Rehabilitation 

- Physiotherapy

High-quality rehabilitation should commence immediately after an injury. Everyone with an acute injury (e.g. ACL rupture) experiences early loss in muscle mass and muscle strength. Overuse injuries also require adequate load management to reduce pain and increase load. 

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Our digestive tract contains trillions of friendly and beneficial gut bacteria

- Nutrition

Our digestive tract (mainly our colon) contains trillions of friendly and beneficial gut bacteria, known as good gut bacteria. Read WHY and HOW to feed the good gut bacteria.

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Beyond the Impact: A Physiotherapists guide to concussion care and management 

- Physiotherapy

Concussions are a common, but often misunderstood injury, requiring careful management for optimal recovery. Physiotherapists play a crucial role in this process, aiding the identification, early management, rehabilitation, and safe return to sport for individuals that have sustained a concussion  

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4 Ways to Loosen your Upper Trapezius Muscles 

- Fitness

Tightness of the trapezius muscles affects many people in various situations. Read more for ways to loosen your upper trap muscles!

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