Immune Boosting Food
We can all benefit (particularly now) from increasing foods in our diet that help boost immune function. Our good gut bacteria makes up close to 70% of our immune system, and includes many different strains that are fed and strengthened by different coloured polyphenol and fibre rich foods. To ensure we have a wide variety and high amounts of our good gut bacteria in our digestive tracts, it is important to make sure we are eating a variety of polyphenol/ fibre rich foods which can be found in this article.
Beyond the Impact: A Physiotherapists guide to concussion care and management
Concussions are a common, but often misunderstood injury, requiring careful management for optimal recovery. Physiotherapists play a crucial role in this process, aiding the identification, early management, rehabilitation, and safe return to sport for individuals that have sustained a concussion
Foam Rolling – What is it? Why do it? How is it different from stretching? And how do I get started?
Foam rolling is a form of self-massage that aims to address muscle hypertonicity, tension, and trigger points. Read more for WHAT it is, WHY we do it, HOW to use it + the DO’s & DONT’s!
Trochanteric Bursitis
Question: I have recently been experiencing pain in the side of my hip since starting to exercise more again. I can’t lie on either side at night and it hurts when I try to run or stand for too long, or if I try to hold my 2-year-old son on my hip. It even hurts after resting when I get up from sitting at my desk for long periods of time. My Doctor says I have ‘Trochanteric Bursitis’ - how do I fix it?
Our digestive tract contains trillions of friendly and beneficial gut bacteria
Our digestive tract (mainly our colon) contains trillions of friendly and beneficial gut bacteria, known as good gut bacteria. Read WHY and HOW to feed the good gut bacteria.