Understanding Tendinopathy

23rd August 2024


What is tendinopathy?

Tendinopathy refers to a broad term surrounding painful conditions in/around tendons in response to overuse. It is characterised by micro-tears, collagen disarray, and a range of cellular changes in the tendon.

The root causes of tendinopathy are multifaceted, often resulting between overuse, aging, mechanical overload, and inadequate recovery time. This can be seen in athletes, individuals who are starting a new exercise regime, individuals with occupations requiring repetitive movement and more.

Common symptoms?

Tendinopathy can manifest with various symptoms, depending on the type and location of the affected tendon. Common signs include:

  • Persistent pain in the affected area, worsening with activity
  • Tenderness to touch
  • Swelling and stiffness
  • Reduced strength and movement range

Common pain sites:

  • Elbow - Golfers elbow, tennis elbow
  • Hip - Glute tendon
  • Knee - Patella tendon (Jumper’s knee), quadriceps tendon
  • Shoulder - Rotator cuff/biceps tendon
  • Wrist - De Quervain
  • Ankle - Achilles tendon

What to do in this situation?

Tendinopathy is a common and often painful condition that can affect anyone, from athletes to housewives. Preventative strategies are paramount in managing tendinopathy risk. Gradual load increases, adequate rest periods, cross-training, and attention to technique can all play critical roles in maintaining tendon health. Understanding its causes, symptoms, and treatment options is essential for effective management and prevention. In a majority of tendinopathy cases, the best place to start is with a physiotherapist. Whilst the condition can sound generic, the management plan is always best personalised as no two tendinopathies are th

Shanelle Chin

Physiotherapist, Evado Studios Hawthorn