
Trochanteric Bursitis

- Physiotherapy

Question: I have recently been experiencing pain in the side of my hip since starting to exercise more again. I can’t lie on either side at night and it hurts when I try to run or stand for too long, or if I try to hold my 2-year-old son on my hip. It even hurts after resting when I get up from sitting at my desk for long periods of time. My Doctor says I have ‘Trochanteric Bursitis’ - how do I fix it?

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Improving Golf Performance with Physiotherapy

- Physiotherapy

The golf swing is an extremely complex skill that requires most joints in the body to move through a large percentage of their maximal range of motion. The muscles moving and supporting these joints must perform at a high percentage of their capacity. Research shows injuries most commonly occur in amateur golfers due to swing patterns developed around physical limitations. As a result, overload occurs in certain areas of the body which creates further injury to pre-existing conditions. All golfers should be preparing their bodies to move as efficiently as possible. Read on for tips on conditioning the body for golf and improving performance. 

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Hip Gluteal Tendinopathy

- Physiotherapy

I’m starting to notice some dull achy pains on the side of my hips whenever I got up and down stairs or ramps when I walk for long distances and even when I squat. Sometimes I even wake up with the same pain. What’s going on?

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Exercise During Pregnancy

- Physiotherapy

Pregnancy was once perceived to be a time for rest and for women to avoid exercise due to the fear of harm to the mother and/or unborn baby. This view has now been significantly challenged by the latest research which has shown that an individually-tailored exercise program, in the absence of contraindications, can significantly reduce complications during pregnancy AND enhance the health of both the mother and unborn baby.

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Working from home? Check your desk posture!

- Physiotherapy

Working from home can have its challenges! Sitting at a desk/table or chair that is not ergonomic can cause poor neck posture which may be contributing to headaches & back pain. Here are some tips to help you manage.

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