
E-Book: Guidelines to Launching Your Studio

- Physiotherapy, Physiotherapy

Take your career to the next level and launch your own business. Download our E-book to find out how!

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Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS)

- Physiotherapy

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS) refers to a multifactorial pathogenesis that leads to pain in and around the patella in the absence of other pathology. Historically, it has been referred to as anterior knee pain and is extremely common throughout the lifespan. Almost anyone can get it, but it particularly affects runners, cyclists, hikers, gym-goers, and office workers.

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Physiotherapy Internships

- Physiotherapy, Physiotherapy

Evado Studios is offering final year Physiotherapy students the opportunity to undertake a Physiotherapy Internship at our modern, boutique clinical and fitness studios around Melbourne. 

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Trochanteric Bursitis

- Physiotherapy

Question: I have recently been experiencing pain in the side of my hip since starting to exercise more again. I can’t lie on either side at night and it hurts when I try to run or stand for too long, or if I try to hold my 2-year-old son on my hip. It even hurts after resting when I get up from sitting at my desk for long periods of time. My Doctor says I have ‘Trochanteric Bursitis’ - how do I fix it?

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Improving Golf Performance with Physiotherapy

- Physiotherapy

The golf swing is an extremely complex skill that requires most joints in the body to move through a large percentage of their maximal range of motion. The muscles moving and supporting these joints must perform at a high percentage of their capacity. Research shows injuries most commonly occur in amateur golfers due to swing patterns developed around physical limitations. As a result, overload occurs in certain areas of the body which creates further injury to pre-existing conditions. All golfers should be preparing their bodies to move as efficiently as possible. Read on for tips on conditioning the body for golf and improving performance. 

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