
Why should I see a Golf Physiotherapist?

- Physiotherapy

Josh has been offering Golf Physiotherapy at Evado Studios for over three years. He often receives questions about his services and who they are for. This article answers these queries and explains this speciality of physiotherapy we offer at Evado Studios.

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Minimise in-season injuries

- Physiotherapy

While some injuries can be unavoidable, training for injury prevention is often neglected in local-level sports. It is important to remember that genetics, anatomy, previous injury history, and the nature of contact sports are non-modifiable factors that can contribute to injury. However, there are many modifiable factors to consider when preparing for a season of sport and considering injury risk. Read on to learn more.

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Post Run Recovery

- Physiotherapy, Physiotherapy

Director & Sports Physiotherapist, Frank Care, answers your question: “I have recently taken up running but want to make sure I do everything right with my recovery. What should I make sure I do? “

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Knee Pain: Traumatic Meniscal Tear

- Physiotherapy

“I was playing footy the other day and I noticed I’m getting sharp pain along the inside/outside of my knee. I think it started when I changed direction chasing the ball. I think I may have twisted my knee while turning. Sometimes while I’m walking I feel my knee give way and sometimes when I try to bend it, it locks in place! What’s going on with my knee?”

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Shoulder Pain: Rotator Cuff Pathology

- Physiotherapy

“Recently, I have been having difficulty lifting my arm above my head due to both pain and weakness. This particularly makes my job as a painter difficult as majority of my work is done overhead. I notice the pain is also worse at the end of the day and at night when sleeping on that side. What have I done? I don’t remember any incident that would have triggered the shoulder pain.” Read on for the answer from our very own Physiotherapist, Olivia Yin.

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