Why should I see a Golf Physiotherapist?

10th July 2023


Josh has been offering Golf Physiotherapy at Evado Studios for over three years. He often receives questions about his services and who they are for. This article answers these queries and explains this speciality of physiotherapy we offer at Evado Studios. 

Who am I? 

I’m a Senior Physiotherapist at Evado Studios with additional qualification in golf performance and injury prevention. I have worked with golfers of all abilities, from the weekend novice to touring professional. Personally, I play off a 1 handicap and have competed competitively in tournaments around the world for over 15 years. 

What is Golf Physiotherapy? 

Golf Physiotherapy involves several things. Every client is put through a TPI (Titleist Performance Institute) Movement Screen. In this screen 16 individual movements are assessed. “Movement faults” are identified and you are then given an overall movement score. I then work with you to address these movement faults. Treatment techniques include targeted exercises in the gym, manual therapy, or a Clinical Pilates program. 

How do “movement faults” relate to my golf swing? 

Golf coaches categorise swing technique errors into 12 areas. These include loss of posture, early extension and hanging back. These technique errors are often caused by mobility or motor control issues however this is not often known until identified with a TPI Movement Screen. Treating the “movement faults” with physiotherapy help your body move efficiently and assist with proper golf swing technique.  

Who should do Golf Physiotherapy?

Anyone who plays golf should have an initial TPI Movement Screen no matter ability or experience. The information gained from a screen is so valuable in helping you improve technique and reduce the risk of injury. 

How often should I have a TPI Screen? 

A TPI Movement Screen should be reviewed at least every 6 months. You will see improvements with mobility and motor control while doing golf specific exercise. It is important to reassess to firstly, see the improvements you have made and secondly, see what things you still need to work on. 

I have a bad lower back; can I still play golf? 

Having a lumbar spine injury doesn’t always mean you’re unable to play golf. In my experience, many lower back injuries in the golf swing can be contributed to by thoracic spine or hip mobility problems. Treating these areas can take pressure on the lower back during the swing and enable you to still play golf. It is always a good idea to have a golf physiotherapy consultation before returning to playing. 

What should I do before a round of golf? 

Everyone should spend 10 minutes before a round of golf warming up. This improves performance and reduces risk of injury. Your warmup program should include stretches and muscle activation exercises of the spine, core upper body and lower body. 

How do I get started? 

Book a 40-minute initial Golf Physiotherapy consultation with Josh at our Hawthorn or Cheltenham studios. This easiest way to do this is through the Evado Studios App.