Perfecting a Body Weight Chin-Up

22nd August 2022


Chin-ups are one of the hardest, yet most rewarding exercises you can do in the gym. It is a great exercise for developing back musculature and provides a true representation of strength. Working towards getting your first chin-up should be one of your top goals if getting stronger is your aim. Not to mention, getting your first rep is a sense of accomplishment that is hard to beat!

One of the biggest barriers for people looking to progress their chin-up is poor technique and lack of structured progression to improve performance. Focusing on correct technique and following a structured program that manages volume and progression is the key to getting your first chin-up.

If you want to take your chin-ups to the next level, start implementing the cues below and follow this first phase to get that chin over the bar!


Start position:

  • Grip the bar shoulder width apart
  • Start from the bottom with arms fully extended
  • Breathe and brace core. Squeeze glutes and keep legs straight, this will stop you swinging


  • Pull shoulder blades back and down
  • Drive elbows down and back
  • Pull until upper chest makes contact with the bar


  • Lower yourself to the start position in a controlled manner



  • Complete the following program 2 x per week (in addition to attending Strength) until you can complete 4 sets of 4 reps with the required tempo.
    • Complete Eccentric only Chin-ups with a 10 second lowering phase. Set your grip and use a box to jump up to the top position. Set your shoulders down and back and begin the slow lowering phase. Remember it is eccentric only, so do not pull yourself back up. Your set is over when you complete 4 reps or you can no longer lower for the prescribed tempo.
    • When you complete your set, immediately follow with 8-10 reps of banded lat pulldowns with a fast tempo to build volume. Rest 90-120 seconds and repeat for 4 total sets.


Mitch Stewart

Head of Fitness, Evado Studios